Are you a huge fan of sunflowers, or do you just find them to be beautiful? We have a common interest if either applies. My favorite flower of all time is the sunflower.
In fact, I’ve compiled a collection of 25 different barn quilt patterns, and all have gorgeous sunflower motifs. If you’re searching for such a barn quilt, I believe you’ll find these patterns to be quite helpful.
What’s in this post:
25 Sunflower Barn Quilt Patterns:
1. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Natural Wood Background
Wow, the enormous sunflower really pops out against the dark wood. It makes me think of a scene from Mystery Garden game. And a film have the scenario about the god of death enters the woodland and completely darkens the area, but the flowers keep their color.

2. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Teal Background
Farewell to the sharp angles! This quilt design truly captivates me with its gentle of a sunflower. Can you also perceive its resemblance to an actual flower?
However, I must admit that this pattern might pose a challenge, particularly for beginners. If you wish, there’s also an option to print it. Nevertheless, its brilliance is undeniable. I’m absolutely fond of this pattern.

3. Sunflower Barn Quilt – White Painted Background
A sunflower takes center stage against a backdrop of white paint. Its petals are formed using arrow-like shapes with a vibrant yellow hue. This pattern can be easily hung on the barn, in-house, or garage—wherever you choose.

4. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Dark Red Background
You’re absolutely right; it is a different version of a sunflower with a distinctive moss-green hue. You have probably never actually seen this flower.
Here’s how to alter the color of this quilt pattern to make it unique. But because it’s so lovely, it will soon be hung on my barn.

5. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Red and Green Frame
In this pattern, the sunflower pistil has a dark crimson tone, and one bright red square appears in the middle. The symbolic representation of the green foliage is a unique element alongside the vibrant yellow petals.
You can do this pattern yourself because it’s not too complicated.

6. Vase of 3 Sunflowers Barn Quilt
The pairing of the crow and the three sunflowers in this barn quilt pattern is just gorgeous. I feel silly and humorous at the same time.
I had no intention of placing this outside after seeing how stunning it is. It looks fantastic in our home’s entryway, where I placed it.

7. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Green and Teal Background
This barn quilt pattern exudes a sparkling vibrancy in my eyes. It is actually a dark-brown pistil on a yellow sunflower. The bloom is even more stunning because of the green and turquoise paint in the background.
If you’re intrigued, consider trying your hand at crafting one yourself.

8. Full Bloom Sunflower Barn Quilt
Consider a flower that is so colorful that it seems to be producing light. With this barn quilt, exactly that is taking place. In a brilliant yellow arc, the sunflower climbed above the weeds below. The author chose a blue background for it since it is a really lovely color combination.
I can’t wait to put it in my favorite flower garden because of how beautiful it is.

9. Crow & Sunflower Barn Quilt on Western Red Cedar
Crows, sunflowers, and black-and-white triangles go together so beautifully. extreme color vibrancy.
I’m not sure what it implies, though. Underneath the sunflower canopy, there is a black crow, and two black triangle hedges stand on either side. All of them are boldly constructed on a painted white background.
Do you find this pattern interesting? If you feel it is too challenging, you can print it.

10. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Small Pieces
Similar to this one, the sunflower motif is composed of tiny pieces. The jigsaw pieces reflect the primary colors, yellow and black.
I remember playing around with this pattern when I first learned how to construct a barn quilt. And I can guarantee you that it is not as difficult as you think, so you need not be afraid. Now let’s give it a new version yourself.

11. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Green Background
The green background of this sunflower pattern sets it apart from similar patterns. And the author chooses ocher here rather than black for the pistil. It appears to be pretty unified. Four squares with a darker blue tone also designate the four corners.
You should hang it in the living room to add freshness to your space. But I’ll hang it on my barn so everyone can see it in the morning.

12. Sunflower Barn Quilt – White Background and Teal Frame
This one is for you if you’re seeking a straightforward yet stunning tiny barn quilt with a sunflower pattern. I can’t stop staring at this barn quilt because it is so stunning.
However, I’m considering the size I should make it because I want to place it in my large barn. I want to glance at it every morning to begin a new day.

13. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Colorful Background
Its Looks fantastic from my bungalow’s side porch. I decided on sunflowers to lighten the gloomy woodwork. On a background of purple and blue, a sunflower blossoms gloriously.
If you’re just learning how to create a barn quilt, print it out or buy it already made because the quilt pattern is quite challenging.

14. Sunflower Hex Barn Quilt
This pattern of sunflowers combines soft colors and straightforward motifs in contrast to other sunflower patterns. A sunflower in a tiny circle is the focal point. Its gentility appeals to me.
Create your own copy of this quilt pattern, then hang it in your backyard.

15. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Black Background and Yellow Frame
On a painted black background, a sunflower bloom stands out with a distinct color tone. The whole image is made even brighter by the flower color and the uniformly yellow frame layer. Great!

16. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Pinwheel Shape
In addition to the sunflower, I can make out the pinwheel’s shape here. The moss green background and the black painted frame make them stand out. Its simplicity truly attracted me, though.

17. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Orange Tone
So amazing. I recognize that this stylized sunflower differs from the original yellow version in that the leading color tone is orange rather than yellow. On the turquoise background, though, it pops out. I will place it in my flower garden.

18. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Dark Blue Background
When I went to the sunflower garden on the East Side, I discovered this quilt pattern for the first time. Where sunflowers are king. The dark blue paint background makes the flower incredibly brilliant and clear. Please try this quilt pattern; I believe you’ll like it.

19. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Light Blue Background
A smaller barn quilt with a pronounced sunflower pattern. The larger pistil takes up more space than in other sunflower samples. Adding four dark blue squares, one in each corner, is another distinctive feature.
Consider a larger size if you want to hang it on your barn.

20. Sunflower Star Barn Quilt
This sunflower motif is appropriate for my small flower garden because of its simple, rustic appearance. Stacks of squares are used instead of petals to depict the sunflower accurately.
The barn quilt is constructed from numerous little pieces of wood that you can reuse from previous projects.

21. Bloeming Sunflower Framed Barn Quilt
In this barn quilt, I perceive what appears to be an umbrella shaped like a sunflower. The motif may be used with small scraps of wood left over from earlier projects, with the color tone extremely rustic and mild.

22. Sunflower Burst Barn Quilt
The sunflower is positioned inside a sizable wooden frame painted in natural wood. The focal point is the petals’ distinctive yellow-orange hue, which sets it apart from many other sunflower models.
Create your fantastic version right away if you like this pattern.

23. Small Sunflower Barn Quilt
Wow, that’s very lovely—one vivid yellow sunflower against an entirely white background. I was unable to take my eyes off it as a result. Did you notice the difference in this pattern? I believe it is due to the pistil’s color, which is yellow rather than black.
Do you want to print it or manually draw it? Regardless, you should own this beauty.

24. Small Sunflower Star Barn Quilt – Farmhouse Style
Constructed from tiny wood fragments, allowing you to reuse scraps from other projects. Sunflower-like yellow hues and a soft moss-green color are combined in this design. A more tasteful combination of hues cannot be found.

25. Sunflower Barn Quilt – Blue Square
Instead of the softly curved petals, which have pointed petals with a dark yellow tone, are present. I experience an odd sense of energization as I gaze at this barn quilt. The background color, blue, is quite elegant. Soon I’ll get it for my family’s flower garden.

What are some helpful tips for selecting colors for a barn quilt?
- Opt for bold and vibrant primary colors instead of muted earth tones, as the latter might not stand out on the side of the barn.
- Keep the number of colors per barn quilt block to a minimum, as using more colors means using different paint cans for each.
- Steer clear of natural autumn colors such as gray, beige, and muted tones.
- Occasionally, it may be necessary to outline geometric shapes with a black band.
- Remember that the level of detail needed decreases as the blocks are positioned further away from viewers.
How do you make a barn quilt for beginners?
Step 1: Prepare your wood.
Step 2: Prime your wood. (optional)
Step 3: Draw your quilt block outline.
Step 4: Tape off your first blocks and paint.
Step 5: Continue taping off your different colors and painting.
Step 6: Touch up any imperfections. (optional)
Step 7: Add your hanging apparatus.
Can you put a barn quilt on the house?
Yes, it is possible to put a barn quilt on a house. Barn quilts are essentially painted quilt patterns that originated as a form of rural public art displayed on barns. However, the concept has expanded to other structures, including houses.